Day 6

The local rail runner train - the train has two storey carriages. 

One of the oldest churches in town. We visited several this morning as we were given some time to immerse ourselves in the local culture. Matt and I decided to visit a number of churches. At the Presbyterian Church we arrived in the foyer to find a large notice board with a sign in the centre that read "What are we doing to connect with our community" with a large number of post it notes around it with things they are doing. This is the exact purpose of our trip here. We were able to have a great discussion with a few parishioners who were fascinated with our trip. 

Inside Santa Fe Cathedral. The cathedral is the central focus of the town. 

Shrine to remember bringing the three groups of people together. The only shrine of its kind

A beautiful little river meanders through - looks like a great place to go trout fishing!! Maybe on my next day off..

A view from the window of the bus toward the snow capped hills. The contrast is amazing 

Santa Fe Cathedral 

A weaving store that we visited. Some really nice rugs here. Bright colours unfortunately too big for my bag to bring home. 

Camel rock. Many of these creations along the way. I understand that this area was the ocean floor a mere 14 million years ago, hence the great formations 

One of the churches visited yesterday. This one was renowned for it's miracle making abilities with thousands of people making pilgrimages to seek healing. We sW a great number of people making a pilgrimage along the road as we travelled carrying large crosses in readiness for Easter. 
Traditionally they would find the hardest hill to climb and mount the cross before being nailed or tied to the cross and left over night. Many people have not survived this process. 


  1. The churches and cathedral are gorgeous! Shame the rugs are too big for you to bring home...would have loved one!

  2. Everything looks so different to what we see here. Will show Harrison and Aimee the train in the morning - they will love it!


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