Day Two

Today we decided to hire a mini bus and driver for the day and take a tour of LA and surrounds. 

We were collected from our hotel in West Hollywood and headed for downtown LA where we stopped at a Mexican bizarre, checked out some local architecture (court houses etc). 

Next we visited the space centre and sports stadiums built for the Olympics be fire heading to LAs Harley Davidson centre where two members of our group decided they would stay (one subsequently purchased a brand new Harley to be shipped home - not sure if his wife knows yet!!!). 

We travelled to the famous Venice Beach (where the people usually rollerblade in the movies scantily clad - whilst we were there people should have been encouraged to put more on - they need mirrors!!). The beach was nice though - even if they do buy in the sand. 

Santa Monica Bay was next - very popular beach with nice beachfront apartments starting at a mere 4 million. 

Beverly Hills checking out the homes of the Rich and Famous (or in the case of Michael Jackson - the dead) was next.  Money money money!!! Saw Miley's house under construction - how does she get the money - they might put a wrecking ball inside. 

Very late lunch was hen enjoyed at Farmers market. We decided on Greek cuisine and beers before heading go Hollywood to check out the Star Walk and the famous Hollywood sign (now made from Aussie steel). 

Hollywood sign

Hollywood Boulavard 

Beverly Hills mansions

Paramount Pictures

Bills new hat from the Mexican bizarre. 

An electric car being charged in the public car park

Venice Beach - bay watch!!

Matt with Santa Monica Bay behind

Matt at the space centre

Mexican Bizarre 


  1. Should I be worried about the Harley Davidson shop?????

  2. What date does the Harley arrive?
    Have you been to a walmart yet? I heard the customers there are experts In fashion!


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